There are options for writing about this record and almost all of them involve making multiple references to other artists but the thing is I want you to keep reading and then listen to the bloody thing and the thing yes don't I bloody know it the thing is there are two main reasons for making multiple references to other artists when you're writing about a record, the first and by far more prominent one being to show off how many records you've got and how much music you've heard of and look at the size of my stylus hee-haw you bogus donkey, and the second and by far less utilised one being to help the reader get a grip on the music you're expecting them to listen to by giving reasonably intelligent suggestions of other comparison points rather than make them view this record which you think is so bloody great as some singular alien spaceship that's just daintily landed from the planet Artura, and these suggestions are based on your own fairly extensive if you may say so yourself shut the fuck up and tell us about the fucking record ok.
This record called The New Sound, as a lot of jazz and easy listening LPs of the 1950s and '60s tended to get called, almost as an afterthought although it was really a covert selling point for up-to-date hi-fi equipment, by this young man called Geordie Greep who used to be in a group called black midi but you can find out about them in four million other places, look you don't have to have heard any of that group's records to get this one, just get it is what I advise almost six months after the bloody thing came out, and I put it in the unnumbered but alphabetised 21-100 section of my 2024 albums list because let's be honest, what's the bloody point otherwise, I got stuck on "Holy, Holy" and hadn't listened to the rest of the album properly but better late than never as Neddy Merrill insincerely elides in The Swimmer and WELL
This record, called The New Sound, is the most extraordinary long-playing record I think I've heard since The Drift by Scott Walker. It arrives within its own fully-formed and furnished universe and hopes you'll be able to engage with it without laborious explanations, so why am I writing this for fuck's sake, but few albums of recent ages have worked so seamlessly as an album. Albums these days are usually much too long but even clocking in at 62 minutes plus you feel that every second is justified, and anyway it feels much more like forty minutes but don't try taping it onto one side of a TDK C-90 ask your parents.
This young man called Geordie Greep is twenty-five years old, comes from Walthamstow, speaks and sings with an accent somewhere between Bow, Soweto and Dublin, has been doing music for all bar six or seven years of his life since he was given one of those Guitar Hero PlayStation game things, ask your parents, and played "Take Me Out" by Franz Ferdinand you see that song gave birth to Geordie Greep the musician I told you it was important and you can immediately tell that in "Holy, Holy" since its staccato intro basically is "Take Me Out" at about 130% speed.
This record called The New Sound, though, I'd say like thousands have already done that it's an in-depth examination of masculinity on the point of curdling into toxicity, what it does or doesn't mean to be a man and Mr Greep makes his feelings rapidly known in the introductory "Blues" where, over a quietly galloping guitar-guided rhythm (Back Door x Tony Williams Lifetime ÷ the main recurring riff in The Tain by Horslips + Ornette Coleman's Prime Time with Mr Greep's voice on alto; use the brains and Google provided and find out for yourself; my knowledge is only a guiding torch, not a remonstrating truncheon), he meticulously skewers the man who thinks his dick will enable all magic - Brel would have got it and I'm sure Momus already has (the concept, I mean, not the dick) - into his sad frittered elements, wearying away at his pallid and purposeless life in some pathetic bedsit way down the wrong end of the Piccadilly Line plus elongated bus ride (it's Momus' gatecrasher!) and less than secretly looking forward to his eventual extinction when he will finally be able to do what he likes because humans have disappointed this disappointing prick and it's do you know what I mean first AND second favourite phrases KNOWWHATIMEANKNOWWHATIMEANKNOWWHATIMEAN over and over the knitting needle/Knitting Factory rhythms and I'm reminded of James Kelman's doss self-deluders but this is 2020s London where only howling pricks prosper I read in the Life & Arts section the other day.
Mostly the music on this record called The New Sound is Latin in nature which you can ascribe to the record having been recorded in several different studios in São Paulo and London, including RAK Studios where some of that other extended meditation on man and his fundamental misunderstandings, The Lexicon Of Love, was made, and it's Tropicalia as everybody misunderstands it, a far more complex and ambiguous form of music than ooh sunny sixties Our Kind Of Music hello there. Such songs as "Terra" and "Through A War" combine the guess-where-the-next-beat's-going-to-land tactics of Gal Costa and Caetano Veloso with the what-fucking-UFO-just-spotlit-my-siesta "otherness" (sorry!) of Arto Lindsay (The Subtle Body, Prize etc.) and the innate melodic facility of Ed Motta - and if you don't know the latter gentleman, drop what you're pretending to do just now and get a copy of his 2013 album AOR because it's genius.
Anyway it's as good as it is angry, this record that's called The New Sound. I wouldn't call it an extended study of the one character - although I think the protagonist of "Holy, Holy" and all the songs from "As If Waltz" onwards is the same person - but more an extended examination of the minutely differing aspects of hormonally acquisitive men. "Terra" and "Through The War" concern themselves with men of history and self-appointed destiny who march through the world and trample it down to dust, all because some woman in the past impugned his cocksmanship and/or passed a disease on to him. "Through The War" is splenetically hysterical with its escalatingly absurd comparison points fully worthy of a Vivian Stanshall or a Chris Morris. Until, that is, you remember that Mr Greep is singing about the kind of men currently engaging in trampling the world, and its contents, human and otherwise, into corrugated carbon.
These songs are about men who see sex as a primary function that usurps any potential foundation of meaningful life. In "Walk Up" it's the bored CEO with "fish fingers" who has it off with her in the office over the photocopier every lunchtime. In the brilliantly constructed "As If Waltz," abject crooning of a perfect world from which the man has exiled himself, the balladry becomes intentionally distorted as the protagonist, busy with a prostitute, again in the lunch hour, imagines the actual life which he can never hope to share with her ("To hear you sing in the shower," "To meet your parents," "To take you to see my favourite films") because of his penile fuckwittery (his ideations also include "To hide in your closet and see you at work" and "To watch you fuck other men") and because his need to become instantly turned on supersedes any desire to build and work on a genuinely fulfilling and lasting relationship.
Vocally this resembles Neil Hannon trying very hard not to werewolf into Cathal Coughlan - Fatima Mansions and Red-era King Crimson certainly come to mind in "Motorbike" where the venge-fuelled vocals are provided by the album's producer Seth "Shank" Evans - black midi's drummer Morgan Simpson also makes an appearance on several tracks) and the music excitingly explodes into a furious avant-fusion workout. "Bongo Season" is an all-too-brief fragment of fluid morbidity - Arthur Russell having taken some very inadvisable drugs; it fades with some free-form horn section scrummage but in concert has been known to last for up to twenty minutes. As with Miles Davis' eighties albums (Tutu, Amandla), it's easy to imagine The New Sound as a collection of draft guides, indicating where these songs could go live (which would be where the real business starts). The title track itself resembles one of those experimental pieces Roy Wood would occasionally summon up (e.g. "The Thing Is This [This Is The Thing]") and otherwise functions as a fairly straight-down-the-askew-line instrumental fusion piece that fans of John Abercrombie's Gateway should appreciate - both guitarists (Daniel Rogerson as well as Mr Greep himself) interweaving most alluringly; there's even room for a double bass solo (performed by John Jones).
I have left "Holy, Holy" and "The Magician" until last because I feel they are the most significant songs on this record called The New Sound. How great and determinedly misunderstood a pop song is "Holy, Holy"? It lasts just over six minutes and feels about half that length. In its duality it manages to get everything in - a fabulously-sketched character study of a thoroughly scuzzy, but importantly not quite irredeemable, individual, narrated with just the right mix of bravado and petrification AND NOT NECESSARILY IN THE RIGHT ORDER.
The song's first half, the one that starts with the "Take Me Out" intro before shuddering into a shockingly supple Santana Latin-rock-fusion groove, sees Mr Greep and his peerless (Brazilian) rhythm section deliberately veering off the straight 4/4 road, as though staggering around slightly drunk while he's chatting this hapless woman up. He tells her who he is - doesn't she believe him? Even the jihadis read my tweets (see Mr A Tate) and isn't she up for a dance or maybe something more?
This part of the song glides confidently through a tropical forest of Broadway clichés before the aggravated guitars build up again, opposite a choir of apposite holiness. The bassline is reminiscent of something from the eighties - most have already decided it's "Let's Groove" by Earth, Wind and Fire, which is a perfectly reasonable guess, but I reckon it's "I Can't Wait" by Nu Shooz speeded up and reharmonised a little.
In all the while, Mr Greep's protagonist is becoming steadily drunker and drunker and he knows that he shouldn't say the "p" word (the one only women should use, in the same way that only Blacks have the right to use the "n" word) knows it in his bones - but now he can't help himself, with all the expectation that he's worked up within himself...and when he says that word he bites down upon it and crunches at it as though attempting to extinguish it. There's a pause as though to ponder whether he's gone one step too far. Then a howl as if he's just had his face slapped or worse.
One final chorus of boom-boom backing vocals and juicy lead guitar later, we are escorted into the song's disorientating second half, its disorientation made complete by the fact that it's being sung out of sequence. Here we have Mr Greep's protagonist outlining the conditions to somebody whom he's clearly going to be paying for the privilege of her limited company - he outlines them in minute detail, as though it were a film script she had to follow - and we realise this is actually happening the night before what happens in the first verse; she's been paid to act out a role and that is, accordingly, what she does.
Mr Greep's character proceeds to paint an increasingly humiliating picture of himself as somebody who just wants to be seen as cool. His intererst in this woman does not even extend to sex ("Don't worry, we won't do anything/We'll just loiter for fifteen minutes or so"). He desires only a picture of status, not the thing itself. His demands become embarrassing and pathetic ("I want you to make me look taller - can you kneel down the whole time? HOW MUCH WILL THAT COST?" - as if money will buy him a life). He drunkenly mumbles about meeting again at the same time next week, and the week after that, and the month and dot dot dot and the miasma of fairground music with its circle of ascending changes disappears into the ether.
Part of the reason why I mentioned James Kelman at the top of this piece, and also why the subject matters of "Terra" and "Through The War" properly belong in Alasdair Gray's pair of Axeltree short stories, is something nobody else seems to have noticed about Geordie Greep (apart from the harmonic influence of Chaz Jankel, which nobody has mentioned either) is a very pronounced Scottish and perhaps specifically Glaswegian aura, in that...
...he sounds exactly like Alex Harvey! Think about it; the theatricality, the character studies, the facility on guitar, the complete refusal to compromise or meet anybody or anything else halfway - some might say Mr Greep's a new Bowie in the making, but that has usually proved a curse in the past, so let's say he's the true inheritor of the Alex Harvey mantle:
And one has to grasp the fact that here is an extremely major new talent. Note also how Mr Greep has developed "Holy, Holy" in a live setting. Here is an extended studio take with a five-piece band; although it slightly suffers from not having a second guitarist to take care of routine bits of business, Mr Greep as a guitarist does a grand job, somewhere between Brian May and Ray Russell with touches of Sonny Sharrock in places:
...and if that weren't enough, here he and his full band are, extending the song out on the stage which was the only one to respond to his initial request for gigs - the Brixton Windmill:
Finally, here is none other than Justin Hawkins, frontman of leading British rock band The Darkness and a pretty astute music commentator in his spare time, getting to some admirable grips with The Greepness:
The twelve-minute effective album closer, or climax anyway, "The Magician," is about three train stops beyond phenomenal. In it Mr Greep's protagonist, who as I suggested above is the propositioner of "Holy, Holy" - and also materialises in "As If Waltz" ("To pretend I've more to say to you than, 'How much?'") - takes a stark look at his life and the million ways in which he has wronged it and despises what he sees, so despicable does he find it that he endeavours to blot out all memories, all reminders, again in the context of a circuitous middle-eight which with lambent patience reveals itself as the record's coda, realising that everything he has known and been misled (mostly by himself) to believe has been nought save a detailed yet finally spurious dream which is all leaking away from what remains of his memory. As the dream fades, so does the music's noise rise; one imagines a battalion of screaming improvisers but in fact it is the band augmented only by a string quartet (arranged in a mastery fashion by Felix Stephens) who build the song up and steadily smash its smug façades - not the first time this has happened on the album; see also the repeated smashing (in both senses) rhythms of "Motorbike"'s emotional climax - until the smoke from the fire has cleared, the incel storyteller's lies have evaporated, and then there reside mere sand and vacancy. As though "pop music" had been cleansed with the least merciful of scouring agents.
As though the lies that men and pop teach us have been detected, detonated and distilled from common memory.
Not unprecedented. Did I mention The Drift?
"What's up, Doc?" DONALD. He knew. Didn't he?
Yet one song remains, the oldest song on the record and the one not composed specifically for the record's purpose. "If You Are But A Dream" was composed, after an old Anton Rubinstein melody, in 1942; Sinatra recorded it with Axel Stordahl in 1944 and again with Nelson Riddle in 1957 and it is the latter version, coming midway between the emotional troughs of Where Are You? and Sings For Only The Lonely, where the singer sounds irretrievably bereft. In Mr Greep's hands, the song sounds sung by an emptied man who is fully aware of the illusion he has furtively conjured up but ultimately afraid to let it go. He will cling to this scorpion of superficial promise even if it ends up stinging him fatally because, hey, that's the way he was made, he can't help his nature.
Mr Greep sings this song, against a traditional small dance band arrangement, in the manner of a penitent orphan who knows he has asked for more at least once too often. He yearns for escape but cannot even penetrate the ceiling, let alone the heavens. Remember what the first song says about "That spirit that enters your room/Those arms that envelop poor you!/That carry you away/In those arms you escape - you dissolve through clouds."
And then the almost imperceptible other voice which materialises right at the end of the record, whispering "but a dream." Much like the "it's okay" that turns up in the last second of "A Lover Loves," the final song of The Drift.
Or what did George say about it being good to be free?
I don't know what constitutes genius - the word isn't in my working vocabulary and I've no notion of how its colours mix. But God help me, I listen to this record called The New Sound recorded by this gentleman called Geordie Greep and I see a glimpse of greatness.*
*this paragraph is a Difplag of an excerpt from Ian S Munro's radio monologue "The Artist In Search Of A City," performed by John Grieve as part of the BBC Radio Scotland series Clydesiders, broadcast in 1975. It concerned another artist - also named Donald - who ended up an inpatient in the mental hospital at Lenzie.**
**doesn't render the statement untrue, however.***
***what is truth, as Johnny Cash once asked; the song "Walk Up" culminates in a pile-up of people shrieking for the music to be turned down, only to be succeeded by a hilarious bluegrass pastiche ("I got two words: fuck you!"). This might be the record's most revelatory moment.
Envoi (Conventional Mix)
The New Sound concerns the tragic, self-inflicted fate of the epitome of a certain type of man who values visibility over depth, transitory thrills to lasting contentment. The album begins with the Greek chorus describing this man to us and outlining his squalid life and squalider fate in paingiving detail before switching the spotlight to the man himself, who is in a marriage that he considers loveless and endeavours to pass his expiring time by engaging spuriously with prostitutes. The irony of the lush music accompanying words describing the darkest and filthiest corners of the human mind cannot be overstated. The man imagines himself in spent history or in aspiring future, crushing the world to satisfy his insatiable and most likely non-existent libido.
Eventually his wife finds out about all this and casts him out. He has nowhere to turn except to several variations of a silver dream machine. He is incapable of compromising the two extreme sides of himself, which meet in the middle anyway, thus is left with abandoned and by definition non-existent dreams which evaporate in rough proportion to his existence. He can never let go. It's his nature.
Envoi (Punctum When Two Worlds Are Pressed Together And Explode Remix)
So the man stays where he is, and steadily diminishes, but that’s not the
whole reason why things decline; Mr Greep has no problems with the idea of love, but when the reality happens, the picture becomes muddy and confused.
And so the record ends, Mr Greep remembering, remembering, that he is trapped in a fantasy of love, as he has been throughout the whole of The New Sound, too trapped to form any meaningful relationship. The whole scenario, when not told in melancholic rages of flashbacks, seems to amount to little more than one pick-up at a time, one meaningful exchange…but nothing further, nothing in the form of a commitment to what you and I would recognise as life.
We have nearly been here before.